Can I self translate my own documents for United State Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)?


The answer to this question is a definite YES, you can translate your own documents to USCIS. If you are an outsider or a native of some other country but are aspiring to apply for a US green card then it is mandatory to submit your documents in English in USCIS and that too with a certified translation. Now a few among the aspirants toy with the question that whether we can self translated documents to USCIS or not?

However, the process of self-translating your documents is accustomed to certain pros and cons. In this article, you will be acquainted with the process of self-translating the documents to be submitted at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). And if you wish to get it translated by a certified translator then what you need to practice in that scenario.

How Can I translate my own documents in English for USCIS?

The current Immigration Law of USCIS allows you to become your own self translator provided you have to certify that you are competent in both the languages i.e. English and the other language being translated. The translation done by you should be accurate. And it’s acceptance by USCIS purely depends upon the immigration officer reviewing your documents.

Self-Declaration at the end of Documents submitted to USCIS:

After you have completed the translation, mention a declaration at the end of the document stating :

I, <translator name>, certify that I am fluent in English and <native language name> languages, that I am competent to perform the translation, and that the above translation is a complete and accurate translation of the document entitled <document title>.

Signature:                                                                     Date:



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Some Important Points to be taken care of while Self-Translation:

  • The documents that need to be translated include the following.
  1. Birth certificate
  2. Marriage certificate
  3. Bank statements
  4. Police records
  5. Divorce papers (if you married earlier).
  • Note: If your Passport is not in the English language and is in your native language then there is no need to translate it before submission to USCIS.An accurate translation should be done by you. And must be followed by a self-declaration at the end. The translation must be performed word by word accurately and should include the dashes, seals, stamps, etc.

Is there any need to notarize the Self- Translated Documents for USCIS?:

If the self-translated document is to be submitted to USCIS then it need not be notarized. But if it has to be submitted elsewhere then it must be notarized

Secondly, if you need to mention your document’s photocopy in some other legalized matters as proof, in that case, the self-translated documents might require notarization.

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Drawbacks of Self –Translating Documents for USCIS Submission:

On one hand where the self –translation of the documents appears to be cost-effective and an uncomplicated process, it might render some problems for you if not done with precision.

“To err is human”. So if you end up committing some errors in translating the documents yourself then you might be in trouble. Self-translation demands 100% accuracy. In that case, you might seek a certified translator’s assistance.

How to reach for a Certified Translator?

Don’t be scared to increase your translation budget as you can seek an official translator at a reasonable price. You can take help from official translators such as Global Translation Help. Official translators can assist you in translating your documents with the utmost perfection. Also, a certified translator proves to be budget-friendly.

These professional translators aim towards translating your documents with precision and target complete customer satisfaction. You can invite the quotations for translation. And if you approve their quotation, they will provide you with the translated documents with accuracy within a short span of time.

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Now that you are clear that you can self-translate the documents for submission to USCIS. The only area to be a focus upon is accuracy and self-declaration that should clearly highlight your proficiency in English and the native languages. However the chances of the documents getting approved by the immigration officers at USCIS increase if the translation is done by the certified professional translators. So, choose the best option for yourself so that you end up getting your documents approved and move one step ahead towards becoming a permanent citizen of the USA.